IMPORTANT INFORMATION: From 23rd of November, 2022 we do not provide free shipping in case our estimate has been rejected or, if the value of repair is less than £100 (excluding any optional services, such as shipping insurance, shipping box or express service). In such cases we will charge £16 of shipping costs both ways (or £8 return shipping) for parcels up to 20kg. For parcels above 20kg we will charge £26 of shipping costs both ways (or £13 return shipping). Shipping fees do not contain any optional services chosen, which may be charged separately. This applies to all new bookings.
Please fill in our Online Form. Once complete we will process your booking accordingly. If you wish so, we can send a pre-paid shipping label (Parcelforce couriers) for your device so you can drop the parcel off at the Post Office at the most convenient time. You can also choose an optional shipping insurance* to cover your parcel against damages or loss in transit for up to £1.000 (£20, both ways covered, non-refundable). If you require a shipping box there is an additional fee of £20 for laptop or £39 for an iMac (non-refundable). If you are in rush and need your device to be assessed and repaired ASAP, please consider purchasing our express service** (24 hours for £99 or 48 hours for £49, non-refundable). Diagnosis is free of charge as per our “No Fix – No Fee” policy and is complete up to 7 working days as a standard. Our repair turnaround is 1-2 working days, unless there are some parts required to complete the repair which will be mentioned in a diagnosis e-mail along with the rough ETA you may have to wait. Once the repair is complete we issue an invoice and as soon as it has been paid we return your device back to you.
* if you do not choose the optional shipping insurance, you will only be covered by our free insurance against loss or damages in transit – in that case our liability is limited up to £60 only, according to the carrier’s standard protection; please note that if you send the parcel on your own, you are not covered by any of our insurance.
** express service time does not include shipping time to and from our workshops and the time required to source the spare parts.